AutumnAbsWhen your swimsuit went on this summer did you see anything you didn’t like? We’re willing to bet that abs ranked among the top items that most men and women weren’t 100% satisfied with over the summer. When you think of improving your mid-section, your mind most likely goes to spring and summer time. However, bikini ready abs are in style all year long so, here are some top reasons why you should make autumn your self-improvement season!

  • Getting a little R&R is easy

It should be no surprise that having a tummy-tuck or liposuction requires some downtime afterwards. Autumn and winter are popular times to curl up with a movie and stay indoors. Since these months are considered cozier times of the year, it is less common to venture out for skin-baring adventures. If your procedure is something you’d rather keep mum about, friends and family will also be less likely to notice your recovery period.

  • Cold weather

After any procedure it is best to stay out of direct sunlight. Cold weather attire is also perfect for a recovery period since it is bulkier making it easier to conceal any changes.

  • Parties, parties and more parties

Major holidays are a great motivator for looking your best. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah and New Years can bring about parties where you’ll want to feel your most confident self. Having a procedure done in Autumn will allow the appropriate amount of time to heal in time to greet your friends and family at that holiday get together!

Get a head start on your New Year Goals. Your ideal body is waiting; call us for a consultation today!