Archive for December, 2014

Men and Cosmetic Surgery: Taking the Leap

It may surprise you to hear that men make up a substantial portion of our patient base! In fact, while the market for male grooming products has grown, so too has the number of men who make use of plastic surgery and other cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance. Just like women, many men are […]

Trends in Cosmetic Surgery

Have you ever wondered what the most popular plastic surgery procedure is in the U.S.? Overall, more people are choosing cosmetic surgery procedures year after year. However, to dig a little deeper, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons provides annual results broken down by procedure for the different types of plastic surgery performed in the […]

Neck Liposuction: Doorway to a Youthful Neckline

For some people, diet and exercise results in an even reduction of unwanted “fat” throughout the body. But for most people, there are always going to be those “stubborn” areas that simply don’t respond to so-called “lifestyle” changes. For some people that stubborn area is the under arms. For others, it’s the belly or thighs. […]