Many people, from college students to working adults, have a week off for “Spring Break”. If you are one of the lucky ones, why not take care of some of your cosmetic surgery needs during this time?

Spring-BreakMost of our major cosmetic surgery procedures, such as tummy tucks and breast implants take 1-2 weeks of at-home rest. So many of our patients like to schedule these surgeries for times when they are already going to be off of work or out of school. This allows them to have the procedure done without missing extra time, and also allows for them to be more discreet about the procedure, so that no one will even know they’ve had anything done!

Here is a list of the most popular vacation time procedures that we perform in our practice:

  • Breast Augmentation: You will be back to normal activities in about a week, perfect timing to get back to normal life!
  • Liposuction: Also featuring a week-long at-home-rest time, liposuction can be performed on the abdomen, hips, thighs, or all three at once.
  • Tummy Tuck: During this procedure, we remove excess skin and fat, and we also tighten the muscles of the abdomen. This extra step usually means that you will need 2 weeks of at-home rest, so you may need to schedule extra time off or have it done during longer breaks in the summer or at Christmas time.
  • Facial cosmetic procedures: Lip augmentation, dermal fillers and BOTOX® are very popular during spring break and even at the tail end of three day weekends as they have very short recovery times (or none at all, in the case of injectables.)

Whatever aesthetic enhancement goals you have for your body, we are here to make them happen for you. Give us a call to find out if your procedure can be taken care of during spring break this year!