In 1974, Dr. Giorgio Fischer, an Italian gynecologist, used a curette attached to a section device to remove fat. A couple years later, Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz introduced the device called a cannula, which was much smaller and less intrusive. Dr. Yves-Gerard Illouz also developed the technique of pumping fluids into the fatty tissue before removal. All of these advances resulted in higher liposuction success rates, and a decrease in negative side effects. Another surgeon, Pierre Fournier, introduced the use of lidocaine as a local anesthetic, and modifying the surgical incision method by utilizing compression techniques post-surgery. This eventually led to the elimination of general anesthesia for small liposuction procedures, and improved the surgery’s overall safety. Towards the end of the 1990s, doctors developed the use of ultrasound to liquefying fat, making the removal of the adipose tissue more effective.


Today’s liposuction procedure targets the removal of fat by using a tin metal tube to break it up, and then suck it out. Tiny incisions are made around the targeted area, and through these incisions fat is removed by a vacuum-like device. Liposuction, contrary to its early beginnings, is a safe, effective, and dependable. Liposuction remains the best way to quickly and effectively remove fat, leaving you with the sculpted body you desire.

For more questions surrounding liposuction, please call Lawton Plastic Surgery at 210-496-2639 today.